Last updated on 31/07/2019
Es gibt am 03.07.2019 ein Update für unseren TS3-Server. Angekommen sind wir bei Version 3.9.0. Unser Hoster nexteamspeak kümmert sich um das Update.
Wir führen am Dienstag, den 03.07.2019 zwischen 09:00 – 11:00 Uhr das Update auf die aktuelle Teamspeak Server Version 3.9.0 durch. Die Server werden während diesem Zeitraum für etwa 5 Minuten nicht erreichbar sein.
## Server Release 3.9.0 24 June 2019 ### Added - Support for new license types (Gamer, Commercial, Sponsorship). - `clientaddservergroup` and `clientdelservergroup` allowing to add and remove one or more server groups to a client. ### Changed - `servergroupaddclient` and `servergroupdelclient` allow to add and remove one or more clients to a server group. - `quit` can be used while being flood banned. - `channeledit`, `channelpermlist` and `custominfo` return more appropriate error codes. - `servertemppasswordadd` does not allow a zero duration. - Parsing of boolean parameters has been made more restrictive. - Plugin command notifications contain invoker data. ### Fixed - QueryAdmin-Password and ServerAdmin-Token are printed again, when starting the TeamSpeak 3 Server using the startscript or with the daemon parameter. - A crash related to 'set_option: Bad file descriptor' has been fixed. - Temporary passwords are being checked for clients with the ignore server password priviledge. - A bug where some ServerQuery notifications were sent twice after using `servernotify` - `serverlist -short -uid` works as expected now. - `clientlist -badges` shows all client badges again. - Startscript checks if instance is already running. - Server did not start any longer on some Linux systems Thank you 'Ragyal'.
Quelle: Teamspeak