Die World of Tanks Server werden (wurden) am 19.12.2019 für ungefähr 45 Minuten nicht zur Verfügung stehen.
- Beide Server ab 05:00 Uhr.
- Clan-Portal ab 05.00 Uhr.
- Fixed the issue when the stun indicator overlapped the reloading progress widget for double-barreled vehicles in the Sniper Aim.
- Fixed the issue when a Platoon could not be created if the invited player has enabled the option Accept invitations from friends in the Garage.
- Fixed some technical issues.
Quelle: WG Support (wenn sie das iwann live schalten) ansonsten WG Asia, RU und NA.
Als Zusatznotiz:
After patch 1.7_2 was updated this morning, you may encounter an issues which you were not able to control your tanks properly or some of the UI interface are displayed differently. This is due to the compatibility between the recent patch and the game modifications installed.
While urgent fixes are being worked on, we advise you to remove all game modifications or launch the game in safe mode from the Game Center.
Wie üblich alle Mods updaten, vor allem XVM!